
Since 2012 Uman Partners has been supporting leading Data and (Gen)AI initiatives in Europe and EMEA, serving industry leaders, global/local corporations, scale-ups and (early) start-ups.
Uman Partners not only detects and recruits top talent, we can also deliver insightful advice to structure data teams, review and confirm job descriptions and responsibilities and sharpen your employer branding in a very competitive candidate market allowing clients to tap into the best global talent pools in the field.

Global Corporations

Back in 2012, Uman Partners was the first Executive Search firm to proactively support global corporations in their data-driven and digital transformations.


Since then, we’ve been navigating successfully across different times going from big data, data science to an economy disruptively impacted by the cloud, data engineering, machine learning, AI and ultimately Generative AI.

We are thus co-building the Data and AI teams of these global companies by recruiting their Chief Data Officers (CDO) and related management teams, CIOs for their ability to transform IT to support Data and AI projects, and hiring business leaders who know how to create value by integrating these new Data and AI tools and solutions.

The way we work with these very large organizations, whose challenge is to make their approaches truly transformative, revolves around 3 axes:

  • Pushing their requirements beyond their current ambitions, by providing clients with a benchmark of the most advanced achievements of their peers, and “tech companies”. In this way, we help them to grow in maturity.
  • Promoting their Data and AI employer brand towards this candidate pool that is very demanding and sometimes more spontaneously attracted to “tech companies”, and at the same time making sure that the candidates receive the right level of information as well as a true opportunity in line with their expectations.
  • Identifying and convincing the best candidates in the European and global market to join our client, with particular attention paid to the leadership skills required to be able to activate the transformation by putting technology in the hands of the business, with a strong and measurable impact on the top or bottom line.


Uman Partners enables scale-ups which are by definition “digital natives” to succeed their transformation and scale efficiently. Data and AI are rapidly becoming essential drivers of their performance.

Uman Partners works for scale-ups during their most critical moments of growth (e.g. when the size of the company makes Data and AI a transformation issue). It’s almost comparable to a large organization where top management is not always aware of the challenge, and sometimes still keeps a purely technical vision of the subject. As a result, decision makers are not very aligned on the profile to be recruited.

Our approach to contributing to the success of these scale-ups revolves around 3 areas:

  • Aligning top management and getting them define their real needs (thanks to our hindsight, expertise and experience of supporting major groups in their Data & AI transformation).
  •  Selecting and attracting Talents by making sure that their technical and leadership (or behavioral) skills are predictive of their success in their future position, and thus provide facts and structure around the key recruitment decision.
  • Closely accompanying our customer and the Talents throughout this process. The initial theoretical fit has to stand the test of concrete reality through exchanges between candidates and decision-makers. It’s Uman Partners’ role to facilitate this convergence.


Uman Partners is closely working with start-up founders to recruit key (or often the first) data and AI Talents who will ensure the medium-term success of their entrepreneurial adventures. Not just expert Talents, but high-potential who will be able to design the company’s first products, and support its growth until it becomes a real scale-up.

Similarly, Uman Partners is committed to audit the start-up’s management team, as well as the quality of its project, any first products developed and their potential for scaling up. This is made possible because Uman Partners’ consultants are the only “headhunters” who are also experts in Data and AI accumulating more than 500 Data and AI consulting assignments prior to their arrival at Uman Partners.


This is made possible because Uman Partners’ consultants are the only “headhunters” to approach the subject of Data and AI as experts, with the operational hindsight of implementation, accumulating prior to their arrival at Uman Partners the execution of over 500 Data and AI consulting assignments in all areas of the economy.

Small | Middle Caps

Uman Partners is working with small/middle caps in the traditional economy (e.g. German ‘Mittelstand’) that are driving substantial economic value, bringing them the benefit of our experiences with very large groups as well as scale-ups. Many of the challenges faced by these mid-sized companies are common to both.

They were generally later to embark on a Data and AI-driven transformation initiative. And they can benefit from today’s increased maturity of know-how and technological tools to enable them to move faster and at lower costs.

Our approach is centered around four areas:

  • Aligning and guiding top management on the key questions around the position (often to be created): where should the role sit in the organization (e.g. business versus IT), what are the reporting lines (e.g. C-level versus N-1), what are the technical versus soft skills required, etc.
  • Promoting the Data and AI employer brand towards this candidate pool that is very demanding and sometimes a bit reluctant step into more traditional businesses, and at the same time making sure that the candidates receive the right level of information as well as a true opportunity in line with their expectations.
  • Sourcing and then recruiting the best candidates in the market, sometimes going to a regional level if required, but more generally nationally or even internationally, with particular attention paid to the leadership skills required to ensure that technical skills are put into the hands of the business, with a strong and measurable impact.
  • Closely accompanying our Customers and Talents throughout this complex matching process. The initial theoretical fit has to stand the test of concrete reality through exchanges between candidates and decision-makers. It’s Uman Partners’ role to facilitate this convergence.

Contact us

Companies, Institutions, Talents : contact us here or directly via our LinkedIn pages.