Legal Notice

Pursuant to Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, users of the website are informed of the identity of the various parties involved in its creation and monitoring :

Site publisher : Uman Partners Holding –

Company : Uman Partners Holding –

Owner : Uman Partners Holding

Professional e-mail :

Publication manager : Benoît Binachon – The publication manager is an individual.

Company legal information : – SIREN : 790 298 269 – SIRET : 790 298 269 00032 – CODE NAF/APE : 70.22Z – POSTAL ADDRESS: 42, rue Notre Dame des Victoires, 75002 Paris, France – COMPANY FORM: SARL – SHARE CAPITAL AMOUNT: 50000.00 euros

Host : the website is hosted by the Luciole agency on OVH servers, whose registered office is located at 2 rue KELLERMANN 59100, ROUBAIX, France.

Intellectual property : the Site and each of its components are protected by intellectual property law. All reproduction rights are reserved, including iconographic and photographic representations. In the absence of express authorisation from Uman partners Holding, it is strictly forbidden to use these elements and in particular to reproduce, represent, modify or adapt all or part of them.
Any reproduction, even partial, of this site or of Uman Partners Holding logos is therefore prohibited without authorisation.

Contact us

Companies, Institutions, Talents : contact us here or directly via our LinkedIn pages.